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- 2 piece
- ab crystals
- african blood
- agate
- amazonite
- amethyst
- amethyst cave
- amethyst crystals
- amethyst tooth
- apatite
- beginners
- blue fluorite
- Boulder Opal
- bracelet
- candle
- candle melts
- candles
- cave
- citrine
- citrine crystals
- crop
- crop top
- Crystal
- crystal candle
- crystal cave
- crystal cluster
- crystal confetti
- crystal gems
- crystal melts
- crystal points
- crystal sun catcher
- crystal tips
- crystal tower
- crystal tube
- crystals
- display shelf
- dog tooth
- dragon
- Dragon Tooth
- druzy cave
- essential oil
- festival dress
- festival outfit
- fluorite
- gem
- Geode
- geometric cage
- gift
- gift box
- gift card
- giftbox
- glass
- handmade
- herkimer diamond
- High wasted skirt
- incense
- kyanite
- labradorite
- Larimar
- melts
- mermaid
- mermaid scale
- mookite
- moon
- moss agate
- mystery box
- mystery scoop
- necklace
- ocean jasper
- one of a kind
- Opal
- perfume
- petroleum crystal
- prehnite
- rainbow
- red moss agate
- rock specimen
- rose quartz
- sculpture
- selenite
- semiprecious chip
- shelf
- shelves
- skirt
- smoky
- smoky quartz
- sphere
- sun catcher
- sun catcher crystals
- sun charm
- suncatcher
- tea light candles
- Thunder Egg
- tigers eye
- tower
- tumbles
- vintage dress
- wood
- yopperlite
There are 1 product
Sample Essential Oil Blends
1 review
Regular price
These are the perfect way to sample our oil blends for our essential oil rollers before you buy, these are the same oils we use in our fragrant candles as well.
Fragrances available are: